It’s been quite some time since I’ve last uploaded anything to my blog here, and I’m sure it wouldn’t make much of a difference in people’s lives whether I post or not, but I wanted to ensure to everyone who feels any curiosity whatsoever on my whereabouts, just know I’ve not forgotten about my little blog spot here.

It seems there have been dramatic changes within just the course of 2 1/2 years, and I’ve found it tremendously difficult to being consistent on my Dream Channel. However, I do have plans ahead in time.

I often listen to my intuition, and at the moment, my intuition urges me toward my art, which is where I’ve been focusing most of my attention as of late. I’ll provide some proof to spedazzle your eyes, haha.


Other areas of focus are obviously on my 3 children, who require much of my attention, as I am now a homeschooling mom. It can be very exhausting but it’s been well worth it to keep a more keen eye on my children’s development.

uncertainty-smallThere are sometimes when I will still ask for guidance using my automatic drawing technique, but I feel as though I’ve lost focus on the invisible world of spirits and hidden truths–not that I have lost interest in it. Instead, I feel more empowered to empower others with art. Therefore, I’ve created an art group on Facebook called Dream Core ART Alliance. If you, yourself, are an artist and want to be a part of my art community of freethinkers, then, by all means, go for it. :) The more, the merrier.

Overall, I still want to assist in the healing, awareness, and growth of our dear planet Earth. I feel as though I am just waiting on the signal, for now, from the Higher Self, the Universe, the Powers That Be, or what have you. Perhaps, it is now, seeing as I have made another blog after 6 months of nothing. Haha. We shall see. In the mean time, I wish all my followers and readers well in their lives. I do hope life is treating you well, despite what occurs in the world. <3 Lots of love to you all!

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